Important: When you complete the payment without a PayPal account, the name of the transaction will be LusoSystems, Inc.
The only way to create a background in the webite is with a quick hack.
Step 1: On the background color, you need to click in the color picker, delete the ddefault code #FFFFFF and type:
Important: When you delete the code, write transparent and hide the color picker. The code will show up again. Don't worry about it. Just save the map and you will see the result on your website
Step 2: On the iframe code, add the following code: allowtransparency="true"
Example code:
Step 1: Copy the code below to notepad or any other text editor.
Step 2: Replace the URL with your maps URL (in your current code).
Step 3: Copy the whole new code and paste it where yo uwant your map to appear.
Step 4: Copy and paste the code below at the header of your website.
Example code:
First add the class="map" code to your iframe.
To hide the map for screen smaller than 800px.
Paste this code at the header of your website.
# This is an h1
## This is an h2
### This is an h3
This is a **bold text inside the asterisk**
This is a bold text inside the asterisk
This is a link example: [WordPress Services](
This is a WordPress Services.
You can paste a plain URL and it will be automatically converted into a link.
Simple URL
Simple URL
To create a line break you need to create a single line or double line space at the end of the paragraphs.

In order to link and scroll to an area on the same page, you need to use HTML anchor links.
Anchor links allows your to:
Follow these steps:
1. First, you need to create an anchor area ID in your website.
This is where your content is and where you want your link to point.
2. Second, format the URLs of your location, to include the pound sign (#) followed by the ID if anchor location you wnat.
Your URL will look like this.
After you add your URLs to your map, when people click in your map locations it will automatically scrolldown to the area you point your links
From your map iframe code, copy your map URL.
Go to your wix and use the Embed a Site element.
Add Elements -> Embed Code -> Embed a Site (not the Embed HTML)
Rename the id of that element and call it map
Setup the following script on the page you are trying to setup the map
Use the following shortcut
On a Mac: Command + Y or in a Windows computer: Control + Y
That will open your browsing history. Search for
Use Command + A or Control + A to select all the results.
Click Delete.
Go back to your map and refresh. This will force your browser to refresh the map files and load any changes we did.
Here's a quick video (1 minute 15 seconds) showing how to do it.
Watch the video:
I created this HTML5 compatible tool because I paid a developer a ridiculous amount of cash to build a clickable map for me from scratch, and I wanted to save you time, hassle and money.
After you edit your map, click on "Generate Map Script" to retrieve the html that you can copy and paste for your website. You have the option of paying a small fee that will give you the ability to come back and edit the map later.
Thank you for using the tool. Cheers!
Quick Instructions